Monday, January 23, 2017

Women's Recovery Unplugged! Spotlight on Kim Lowe, RN, School Nurse, Public Health Nurse

I have met some of the most amazing women over the past couple months who are very very passionate about improving our community's efforts in addressing child sexual abuse, domestic violence and sooooo many other problems that go unseen and unnoticed.  Kim Lowe will be speaking to us tomorrow evening during the Chainbreakers event in Orem.  She has been an Alpine School district nurse for the past 17 years and has witnessed some harsh realities that need to be talked about so we can change!  Come join us at 65 North 1330 West in Orem!


I am originally from Natchitoches, Louisiana. I moved to Utah when I was 14 years old. From the time that I was 4 years old, I knew that I wanted to be a nurse more than anything in the world! I loved to help people feel better from a very young age!

I graduated from nursing school at Brigham Young University. Over the last 40 years, I have worked in several areas of nursing: orthopedics, medical/surgical, outpatient surgery, diabetes education, and my latest and greatest: public health and school nursing for the last 17 years!

I have learned over the years that every area of nursing I have worked has given me the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of my patients and those that I serve.

However, for the last 17 years I have realized that public health nursing which has included school nursing, has given me the most significant opportunity to not only make a difference in the lives of children, but also their families.

One of the most important lessons I have learned as a public health nurse is that “although a child’s family dynamics may appear normal from the surface, it does not mean that all is well!” “Abuse” rears its ugly head in many different forms.
“Abuse” is not a respecter of socioeconomic status or choice of religion.
“Abuse” can and does happen to anyone! No one has a lifetime immunity to abuse.

As I have reflected upon my own life, I can admit that I came from an abusive home environment as a child. My grandparents and their home became my “safe harbor.”

During my adult years I have also at times endured different forms of abuse. Most recently, two of my adult daughters have come forward with abuse that happened to them many years ago. Some of my grandchildren have also been abused and the dynamics of our family will never again be the same as a result!

We all know that our laws need to change so that harsher punishments will be imposed upon the perpetrators. This change of law is a very slow but vitally important process!

I believe with all of my heart that one day our laws will change.
But the way they are going to change is for more survivors to come forward and report their abuse and tell their stories.

It takes courage to speak. It takes courage to be a survivor.

With many voices speaking together, with all of us standing together in strength, our message will be heard!!

This atrocious generational cycle of different forms of  abuse must stop!!!
Stand strong together and be “SILENT NO MORE!”

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Women's Recovery Unplugged!! January 24--Come see an amazing performance at Chainbreakers--Tuesday -7:00 pm-8:30 pm

We're getting through January I think !!  My winter break was super eventful--I transferred to Pioneer High School for the Performing Arts --Special Education department (thrilled about it:))...I'm still "in college" working through the last of my Masters in SpEd, my three daughters continue to have demanding lives which is totally exhausting AND I'm trying to fit music in the cracks of all that.🙋♬♬💃 #yourmomgoestocollege  So life is good~~

To my great fortune, I've met some amazing new friends who will be joining me on January 24 at Chainbreakers in Orem.  Jenna Pinegar and Whitney Call will join me to sing--you will not want to miss that! We will  hear from Angela Brady who is a Chairman @ TimeToRescue as well as a Volunteer Operation Underground Railroad Event coordinator.  Angela partners with Kim Lowe (will speak) who has worked for the Alpine School District as a nurse for nearly over 25 years.  These ladies have made a dent in the Utah County community by successfully planning and executing a benefit for Sex Trafficking that attracted over 300 people to an Orem high school on a Thursday school night back in October.  This is remarkable and you'll want to hear all about it! :) Also--we'll have Heidi Mendez Harrison bring her acting group to provide monologues and insight into the recovery scene of Utah.  Heidi's non-profit, Act Risk No More, is a youth theater company that writes and performs their own works/productions. It will be such a great night!

THEN---STAY TUNED for another Utah County Women's Recovery Unplugged event--designed to bring multiple non-profits to the forefront of our Recovery efforts here in Utah County.  Kim, Angela and myself have met and discussed the unique terrain of accessing help for abuse victims of every kind in Utah county.  We've discussed the need to bring those who want to help through various organizations TOGETHER--because there is strength in numbers.  Isolating and diversifying the many clubs, non-profits and helpers can cause confusion and overwhelm for those seeking help---so we want to simplify that process as much as possible.  And we want to listen to Aerosmith please:)!  Okay--Aerosmith is out due to excessive nudity in the clip--:/
So here's MJ!!!  #epic