Saturday, November 26, 2016

Recovery Concert on January 24--mark your calendars!

I'll be presenting a Recovery event on January 24 for Chainbreakers in Orem.  Join me, Jenna Pinnegar and some other singer friends to be announced for a night of music and stories about healing and recovery.

Also--please contact me through pm if you are interested in sponsoring some of our women needing financial support over the next couple months.  The path of recovery for a domestic abuse survivor is complicated! Our goal is to help them establish safety in an environment that is supportive and predictable.  The gas lighting effect of always worrying about your "luck running out" causes prolonged symptoms of PTSD and only lengthens the recovery process.  Worrying about where you're going to live next month on an already flooded brain (see link!) damages neuro-circuitry! 

"The ‘stress hormone’ cortisol is believed to create a domino effect that hard-wires pathways between the hippocampus and amygdala in a way that might create a vicious cycle by creating a brain that becomes predisposed to be in a constant state of fight-or-flight."
Chronic stress damages brain structure and connectivity!  

Alright then--watch for more info and have a safe and peaceful December 2016:))

Saturday, November 5, 2016

THE TALENT!! These ladies are coming up right now--I'm honored to share the stage with them tonight!

Then there's the music.

Music, in my opinion, is its own universe--with its own vibration that can transport listeners to different realities within seconds or minutes or whatever it takes.  I have used music as a tool in my Recovery for my entire life without really knowing it.  When I wrote, sing (sang??)or listened to others sing (especially when it was my music), I got better.  I felt like I was somewhere else other than the life I was born into and possibly inadvertently assigned to through socialization, stereotypes and low expectations.  Music transcended all that for me--and then took me along for the ride with my children, family and good friends. 

So these women will be performing tonight and you won't want to miss it.  They are strong and powerful and they will bless your life. 

God Bless~~

Jenna Pinegar

Whitney Call

Nyrie Hadnot

Friday, November 4, 2016

Boots are Awesome!! Check this out and come to our STAND event on November 5th at 7:00 pm in Lehi! 2801 Clubhouse Drive, Marriott

I'm excited to be singing this weekend!!!  I've been timid about getting back onstage and really committing to that because honestly, all that stuff amplifies my ADHD.  Any composure/grace/manner system I may have developed for day to day life completely unravels and I'm "that girl" again.  Good news is I'm okay with it.  It's who I am at a very core level and if I can't embrace it--how could I expect anyone else to embrace it?  #itsallgood

Sooo--come join us for a great night of conversation, music and community planning.  We will be honored to have some veteran domestic violence advocates in attendance--Joan Shippen and Betty Bolander.  These women are founders for Chainbreakers, which is our Utah County "connecter" organization for those experiencing DV and recovering from the effects of DV.  Check this out:

Also-- I saw the DV label and had to buy these boots even though they are all man made materials AND I saw them by accident while looking for a household appliance in Sears--at a mall in Provo (the odds of that happening again are 0).  Sears is normally horrific but I was walking through--saw them, looked closer, saw the DV label and it completely sold me.  I bought them on the spot even though they are 6 1/2 instead of 7's and hurt my feet.  For me, it was about the thrill of standing on DV, metaphorically speaking.

Being more serious now--here's a little more about DV and our event!

We want to work with our community members to focus efforts and gather resources for quickly addressing the needs of those being victimized on any level--whether that is domestic violence, sexual assault, intimate partner abuse, and the list goes on.  Our biggest need in Utah County would be housing options for those who are rebuilding lives after trauma and victimization.  Safety and security are the building blocks for all progress in DV recovery.  For some people, this means completely switching grids and finding new/healthy connections/relationships.  Others might be in imminent danger where a "hidden and secured/lock down" shelter system is necessary for a number of months.  There are also those who've just had unfortunate run-ins with an "out of the ordinary" relationship that becomes obsessive and possessive.  This happens a lot in the current dating scene.  Its a very real problem and support/information is critical to the person affected so they are not pushed further into that never ending darkness.

DV is no respecter of persons--it affects all races, genders, socio-economic levels, religious affiliations and cultures.  It affects sibling, parent-child and marital relationships. It affects friendships between women and men, women and women, men and men. It preys on dysfunctional relating styles, powerlessness and inequality.  It is pervasive and it is deadly if you do not know how to define Domestic Violence.  Being educated and surrounded by safe and healthy individuals can take you far into recovery if you've experienced or are experiencing DV.  It is beatable and it is time to #breakthesilence  

Also--there is strength in numbers and there is strength in unity.  Domestic Violence is isolate, separate, target, divide, conquer and abuse.  It is very often invisible and hides very well.  Raising awareness of DV dynamics has a neutralizing effect in many ways because it dilutes the potency of DV by weakening its grip on individuals who are experiencing oppression (prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control).  Information is vital medicine towards a cure and our goal is to have the best information available as a highly aware community!!

Our singers for the evening include myself, Jenna Pinegar, Nyrie Hadnot and Whitney Call (my lovely daughter)!  We will have gifts and prizes as well as resources and information for anyone in attendance who has questions or needs support.

God Bless~~
